MRIdian Linac – Selected Clinical Publications
Henke L, Kashani R, Robinson C, Curcuru A, DeWees T, Bradley J, et al. Phase 1 trial of stereotactic MR-guided online adaptive radiation therapy (SMART) for the treatment of oligometastatic or unresectable primary malignancies of the abdomen. Radiother Oncol 2017;126:519–26
Henke L, Kashani R, Yang D, Zhao T, Green O, Olsen L, et al. Simulated online adaptive magnetic resonance-guided stereotactic body radiation therapy for the treatment of oligometastatic disease of the abdomen and central thorax: characterization of potential advantages. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016;96:1078–86
Acharya S, Fischer-Valuck BW, Mazur TR, Curcuru A, Sona K, Kashani R, et al. Magnetic resonance image guided radiation therapy for external beam accelerated partial-breast irradiation: evaluation of delivered dose and intrafractional cavity motion. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016;96:785–92
Kennedy WR, Thomas MA, Stanley JA, Luo J, Ochoa LL, Clifton KK, et al. Single institution phase 1/2 prospective clinical trial of single-fraction high-gradient adjuvant partial breast irradiation for hormone sensitive stage o-I breast cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2020;107:344-52
Head & Neck
Chen AM, Cao M, Hsu S, Lamb J, Mikaeilian A, Yang Y, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging-guided re-irradiation of recurrent and second primary head and neck cancer. Adv Radiat Oncol 2017;2:167–75
Chen AM, Hsu S, Lamb J, Yang Y, Agazaryan N, Steinberg ML, et al. MRI-guided radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: initial clinical experience. Clin Transl Oncol 2017;20:160–8
Li H, Chen HC, Dolly S, Li H, Fischer‐Valuck B, Victoria J, et al. An integrated model‐driven method for in‐treatment upper airway motion tracking using cine MRI in head and neck radiation therapy. Med Phys 2016;43:4700–10
Fu J, Singhrao K, Cao M, Yu V, Santhanam AP, Yang Y, et al. Generation of abdominal synthetic CTs from 0.35T MR images using generative adversarial networks for MR-only liver radiotherapy. Biomed Phys Eng Express 2020;6:015033
Luterstein E, Cao M, Lamb J, Raldow AC, Low DA, Steinberg ML, Lee P. Clinical outcomes using magnetic resonance-guided stereotactic body radiation therapy in patients with locally advanced cholangiocarcinoma. Adv Radiat Oncol 2020;5:189–95
Rosenberg SA, Henke LE, Shaverdian N, Mittauer K, Wojcieszynski AP, Hullett CR, et al. A multi-institutional experience of MR-guided liver stereotactic body radiation therapy. Adv Radiat Oncol 2018;4:142–9
Witt JS, Rosenberg SA, Bassetti MF. MRI-guided adaptive radiotherapy for liver tumors: visualising the future. Lancet Oncol 2020;21:e74–e82
Finazzi T, Haasbeek CJA, Spoelstra FOB, Palacios MA, Admiraal MA, Bruynzeel AME, et al. Clinical outcomes of stereotactic MR-guided adaptive radiation therapy for high-risk lung tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2020;107:270-8
Finazzi T, Palacios MA, Haasbeek CJA, Admiraal MA, Spoelstra FOB, Bruynzeel AME, et al. Stereotactic MR-guided adaptive radiation therapy for peripheral lung tumors. Radiother Oncol 2019;144:46–52
Finazzi T, Palacios MA, Spoelstra FOB, Haasbeek CJA, Bruynzeel AME, Slotman BJ, et al. Role of on-table plan adaptation in MR-guided ablative radiation therapy for central lung tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2019;104:933–41
Rabe M, Paganelli C, Schmitz H, Meschini G, Riboldi M, Hofmaier J, et al. Continuous time-resolved estimated synthetic 4D-CTs for dose reconstruction of lung tumor treatments at a 0.35 T MR-linac. Phys Med Biol 2023;68:235008
Tekatli H, Palacios MA, Schneiders FL, Haasbeek CJA, Slotman BJ, Lagerwaard FJ, et al. Local control and toxicity after magnetic resonance imaging (MR)-guided single fraction lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 2023;187:109823
Bohoudi O, Bruynzeel AME, Senan S, Cuijpers JP, Slotman BJ, Lagerwaard FJ, et al. Fast and robust online adaptive planning in stereotactic MR-guided adaptive radiation therapy (SMART) for pancreatic cancer. Radiother Oncol 2017;125:439–44
Chuong MD, Lee P, Low DA, Kim J, Mittauer KE, Bassetti MF, et al. Stereotactic MR-guided on-table adaptive radiation therapy (SMART) for borderline resectable and locally advanced pancreatic cancer: A multi-center, open-label phase 2 study. Radiother Oncol 2024;191:110064
Hassanzadeh C, Rudra S, Bommireddy A, Hawkins WG, Wang-Gillam A, Fields RC, et al. Ablative five-fraction stereotactic body radiotherapy for inoperable pancreatic cancer using online MR-guided adaptation. Adv Radiat Oncol 2021;6:100506
Rudra S, Jiang N, Rosenberg SA, Olsen JR, Roach MC, Wan L, et al. Using adaptive magnetic resonance image-guided radiation therapy for treatment of inoperable pancreatic cancer. Cancer Medicine 2019;8:2123–32
Tyran M, Jiang N, Cao M, Raldow A, Lamb JM, Low D, et al. Retrospective evaluation of decision-making for pancreatic stereotactic MR-guided adaptive radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 2018;129:319–25
Bruynzeel AME, Tetar SU, Oei SS, Senan S, Haasbeek CJA, Spoelstra FOB, et al. A prospective single-arm phase 2 study of stereotactic magnetic resonance guided adaptive radiation therapy for prostate cancer: early toxicity results. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2019;105:1086–94
Tetar SU, Bruynzeel AME, Oei SS, Senan S, Fraikin T, Slotman BJ. et al. Magnetic resonance-guided stereotactic radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer: final results on patient-reported outcomes of a prospective phase 2 study. Eur Urol Oncol 2021;4:628-34
Tetar SU, Bruynzeel AME, Lagerwaard FJ, Slotman BJ, Bohoudi O, Palacios MA. Clinical implementation of magnetic resonance imaging guided adaptive radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer. Phys Imaging Radiat Oncol 2019;9:69–76
Gach HM, Green OL, Cuculich PS, Wittland EJ, Marko A, Luchtefeld ME, et al. Lessons learned from the first human low-field MRI guided radiation therapy of the heart in the presence of an implantable cardiac defibrillator. Pract Radiat Oncol 2019;9:274–9
Henke LE, Olsen JR, Contreras JA, Curcuru A, DeWees TA, Green OL, et al. Stereotactic MR-guided online adaptive radiation therapy (SMART) for ultracentral thorax malignancies: results of a phase 1 trial. Adv Radiat Oncol 2018;4:201–9
Henke LE, Kashani R, Hilliard J, DeWees TA, Curcuru A, Przybysz D, et al. In silico trial of MR-guided midtreatment adaptive planning for hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in centrally located thoracic tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2018;102:987–95
Liang E, Dolan JL, Morris ED, Vono J, Bazan LF, Lu M, et al. Application of continuous positive airway pressure for thoracic respiratory motion management: an assessment in a magnetic resonance imaging-guided radiotherapy environment. Adv Radiat Oncol. Forthcoming 2022 DOI: 10.1016/j.adro.2021.100889
Mayinger M, Kovacs B, Tanadini-Lang S, Ehrbar S, Wilke L, Chamberlain M, et al. First magnetic resonance imaging-guided cardiac radioablation of sustained ventricular tachycardia. Radiother Oncol 2020;152:203-7
Boldrini L, Romano A, Placidi L, Mattiucci GC, Chiloiro G, Cusumano D, et al. Case report: First in human online adaptive MR guided SBRT of peritoneal carcinomatosis nodules: A new therapeutic approach for the oligo-metastatic patient. Front Oncol 2020;10:601739
Chen S, Eldeniz C, Fraum TJ, Ludwig DR, Gan W, Liu J, et al. Respiratory motion management using a single rapid MRI scan for a 0.35 T MRI-Linac system. Med Phys 2023;50:6163-76
Giraud N, Schneiders FL, John R. van Sornsen de Koste JR, Palacios MA, Senan S. Tumor volume changes during stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for adrenal gland metastases under MRI guidance. Radiother Oncol 2023;186:109749
Pérez Haas Y, Ludwig R, Bello RD , Tanadini-Lang S, Unkelbach J. Adaptive fractionation at the MR-linac. Phys Med Biol 2023;68:035003
Sayan M, Serbez I, Teymur B, Gur G, Zoto Mustafayev T, Gungor G, et al. Patient-reported tolerance of Magnetic Resonance-guided radiation therapy. Front Oncol 2020;10:1782
MRIdian Technology
Cai B, Li H, Yang D, Rodriguez V, Curcuru A, Wang Y, et al. Performance of a multi leaf collimator system for MR-guided radiation therapy. Med Phys 2017;44:6504-14
Hu Y, Rankine L, Green OL, Kashani R, Li HH, Li H, et al. Characterization of the onboard imaging unit for the first clinical magnetic resonance image guided radiation therapy system. Med Phys 2015;42,5828–37
Mutic S, Dempsey JF. The ViewRay system: magnetic resonance-guided and controlled radiotherapy. Semin Radiat Oncol 2014;24:196-9
Noel CE, Parikh PJ, Spencer CR, Green OL, Hu Y, Mutic S, et al. Comparison of onboard low-field magnetic resonance imaging versus onboard computed tomography for anatomy visualization in radiotherapy. Acta Oncol 2015;54:1474-82
Andreozzi JM, Brůža P, Cammin J, Pogue BW, Gladstone DJ, Green O. Optical imaging method to quantify spatial dose variation due to the electron return effect in an MR-Linac. Med Phys 2019;47:1258-67
Curcuru AN, Lewis BC, Kim T, Yang D, Gach HM. Effects of B0 eddy currents on imaging isocenter shifts in 0.35-T MRI-guided radiotherapy (MR-IGRT) system. Med Phys 2021;48:2929-38
Gach HM, Curcuru AN, Mutic S, Kim T. B0 field homogeneity recommendations, specifications, and measurement units for MRI in radiation therapy. Med Phys 2020;47:4101-14
Ginn JS, Agazaryan N, Cao M, Baharom U, Low DA, Yang Y, et al. Characterization of spatial distortion in a 0.35 T MRI-guided radiotherapy system. Phys Med Biol 2017;62:4525-40
Neylon J, Cook KA, Yang Y, Du D, Sheng K, Chin RK, et al. Clinical assessment of geometric distortion for a 0.35T MR-guided radiotherapy system. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2021;22:303-9
Billas I, Bouchard H, Oelfke U, Duane S. The effect of magnetic field strength on the response of Gafchromic EBT-3 film. Phys Med Biol 2019;64:06NT03
Cusumano D, Teodoli S, Greco F, Fidanzio A, Boldrini L, Massaccesi M, et al. Experimental evaluation of the impact of low Tesla transverse magnetic field on dose distribution in presence of tissue interfaces. Phys Med 2018;53:80–5
Desai V, Bayouth J, Smilowitz J, Yadav P. A clinical validation of the MR-compatible Delta4 QA system in a 0.35 tesla MR linear accelerator. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2021;22:82-91
Hao Y, Cai B, Green O, Knutson N, Yaddanapudi S,Zhao T, et al. Technical Note: An alternative approach to verify 6FFF beam dosimetry for Ethos and MR Linac without using a 3D water tank. Med Phys 2021;48:1533-9
Mittauer KE, Tolakanahalli R, Kotecha R, Chuong MD, Mehta MP, Gutierrez AN, et al. Commissioning intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery for a Magnetic Resonance-Guided Radiation Therapy (MRgRT) system: MR-RT localization and dosimetric end-to-end validation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2024;118:512-24.
Pojtinger S, Dohm OS, Kapsch RP, Thorwarth D. Ionization chamber correction factors for MR-linacs. Phys Med Biol 2018;63:11NT03
Ullah Khan A, DeWerd LA, Das IJ, Yadav P. A multi-institutional comparison of acceptance testing data for a 0.35 T MRI scanner. Phys Med Biol 2022;67:235005
Quality assurance
Andreozzi JM, Brůža P, Cammin J, Alexander DA, Pogue BW, Green O, et al. Optical emission-based phantom to verify coincidence of radiotherapy and imaging isocenters on an MR-linac. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2021;22:252-61
Gach HM, Curcuru AN, Wittland EJ, Maraghechi B, Cai B, Mutic S, et al. MRI quality control for low-field MR-IGRT systems: Lessons learned. J Applied Clin Med Phys 2019;20:53-66
Mittauer KE, Dunkerley DAP, Yadav P, Bayouth JE. Characterization and longitudinal assessment of daily quality assurance for an MR-guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) linac. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2019;20:27-36
Mittauer KE, Hill PM, Bassetti MF, Bayouth JE. Validation of an MR-guided online adaptive radiotherapy (MRgoART) program: Deformation accuracy in a heterogeneous, deformable, anthropomorphic phantom. Radiother Oncol 2020;146:97-109
Treatment planning
Farjam R, Nagar H, Zhou XK, Ouellette D, Formenti SC, DeWyngaert JK. Deep learning-based synthetic CT generation for MR-only radiotherapy of prostate cancer patients with 0.35T MRI linear accelerator. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2021;22:93-104
Gao Y, Zhou Z, Han F, Cao M, Shaverdian N, Hegde JV, et al. Accelerated 3D bSSFP imaging for treatment planning on an MRI-guided radiotherapy system. Med Phys 2018;45:2595-602
Mittauer KE, Yarlagadda S, Bryant JM, Bassiri N, Romaguera T, Gomez AG, et al. Online adaptive radiotherapy: Assessment of planning technique and its impact on longitudinal plan quality robustness in pancreatic cancer. Radiother Oncol 2023;188:109869
Van Timmeren JE, Chamberlain M, Krayenbuehl J, Wilke L, Ehrbar S, Bogowicz M, et al. Treatment plan quality during online adaptive re-planning. Radiat Oncol 2020;15:203
Wang Y, Mazur TR, Park JC, Yang D, Mutic S, Li HH. Development of a fast Monte Carlo dose calculation system for online adaptive radiation therapy quality assurance. Phys Med Biol 2017;62:4970–90
MRIdian Workflow
Adaptive radiotherapy
Acharya S, Fischer-Valuck BW, Kashani R, Parikh P, Yang D, Zhao T, et al. Online magnetic resonance image guided adaptive radiation therapy: first clinical applications. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016;94:394–403
El-Bared N, Portelance L, Spieler BO, Kwon D, Padgett KR, Brown KM, et al. Dosimetric benefits and practical pitfalls of daily online adaptive MRI-guided stereotactic radiation therapy for pancreatic cancer. Pract Radiat Oncol 2019;9:e46–e54
Farjam R, Mahase SS, Chen SL, Coonce M, Pennell RT, Fecteau R, et al. Quantifying the impact of SpaceOAR hydrogel on inter-fractional rectal and bladder dose during 0.35 T MR-guided prostate adaptive radiotherapy. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2021;22:49-58
Güngör G, Serbez Í, Temur B, Gür G, Kayalılar N, Mustafayev TZ, et al. Time analysis of online adaptive magnetic resonance-guided radiation therapy workflow according to anatomical sites. Pract Radiat Oncol 2020;11:e11-e21
Henke LE, Contreras JA, Green OL, Cai B, Kim H, Roach MC, et al. Magnetic resonance image-guided radiotherapy (MRIgRT): a 4.5-year clinical experience. Clin Oncol 2018;30:720–7
Klüter S, Katayama S, Spindeldreier CK, Koerber S, Major G, Alber M, et al. First prospective clinical evaluation of feasibility and patient acceptance of magnetic resonance-guided radiotherapy in Germany. Strahlenther Onkol 2020;196:691-8
Liang F, Qian P, Su KH, Baydoun A, Leisser A, Van Hedent S, et al. Abdominal, multi-organ, auto-contouring method for online adaptive magnetic resonance guided radiotherapy: an intelligent, multi-level fusion approach. Artif Intell Med 2018;90:34-41
Liu S, Wu Y, Wooten HO, Green O, Archer B, Li H, et al. Methods to model and predict the ViewRay treatment deliveries to aid patient scheduling and treatment planning. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2016;17:50-62
Mittauer KE, Hill PM, Geurts MW, De Costa AM, Kimple RJ, Bassetti MF, et al. STAT-ART: the promise and practice of a rapid palliative single session of MR-guided online adaptive radiotherapy (ART). Front Oncol 2019;9:1013
Palacios MA, Bohoudi O, Bruynzeel AME, van Sörsen de Koste JR, Cobussen P, Slotman BJ, et al. Role of daily plan adaptation in MR-guided stereotactic ablative radiation therapy for adrenal metastases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2018;102:426–33
Wen N, Kim J, Doemer A, Glide-Hurst C, Chetty IJ, Liu C, et al. Evaluation of a magnetic resonance guided linear accelerator for stereotactic radiosurgery treatment. Radiother Oncol 2018;127:460–6
Motion management
Han, F., Zhou, Z., Du, D., Gao, Y., Rashid, S., Cao, M., et al. Respiratory motion-resolved, self-gated 4D-MRI using rotating cartesian K-space (ROCK): initial clinical experience on an MRI-guided radiotherapy system. Radiother Oncol 2018;127: 467–73
Lamb JM, Ginn JS, O’Connell DP, Agazaryan N, Cao M, Thomas DH, et al. Dosimetric validation of a magnetic resonance image gated radiotherapy system using a motion phantom and radiochromic film. J Appl Clin Med Phys 2017;18:163-9
Thomas DH, Santhanam A, Kishan AU, Cao M, Lamb J, Min Y, et al. Initial clinical observations of intra- and interfractional motion variation in MR-guided lung SBRT. Br J Radiol 2018;91:20170522
van Sörsen de Koste JR, Palacios MA, Bruynzeel AME, Slotman BJ, Senan S, Lagerwaard FJ. MR-guided gated stereotactic radiation therapy delivery for lung, adrenal, and pancreatic tumors: a geometric analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2018;102:858–66
Wojcieszynski AP, Rosenberg SA, Brower JV, Hullett CR, Geurts MW, Labby ZE, et al. Gadoxetate for direct tumor therapy and tracking with real-time MRI-guided stereotactic body radiation therapy of the liver. Radiother Oncol 2015;118:416–8