Medical Accelerators

  • MRI-Guided ROAR

    Realtime On-table Adaptive Radiotherapy

  • 360° Proton Therapy

    The Fastest PBS and FLASH

  • Modern SRS - ZAP-X

    Next Generation Stereotactic Radiosurgery that Zaps Brain Tumors

  • United Imaging

    A New Era of Whole-body Imaging

  • Swoop® MR Imaging System

    FDA-cleared, AI-powered, Portable MR Imaging for Efficient Clinical Decisions

Leading MedTech

within Radiology and Radiotherapy

Lioness Medtech Provides Leading Medical Technologies to Diagnose and Treat Diseases with Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine. Only the Very Best Technologies.


Proton Therapy, PET Cyclotrons, BNCT and Light Ions Particle Therapy.

Lioness Medtech represents Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd. as European agents.



Lioness Medtech distibutes the MRIdian Linac from ViewRay in the Nordics.


Stereotactic Radiosurgery of the Brain (SRS).

Lioness Medtech distributes ZAP-X in the Nordics.


QA Phantoms and Software to Track QC.

Lioness Medtech distributes IMT (IMTQA) in the Nordics.


Patient Positioning and Bolus.

Lioness Medtech distributes AnatGe and MoldCare in the Nordics.


Full-body Medical Imaging.

Lioness Medtech distributes PET/CTs from United Imaging in Scandinavia.


Portable MR Imaging.

Lioness Medtech distributes Swoop® systems from Hyperfine in the Nordics.


Swoop® Portable MR Imaging


Hyperfine, Inc. (Nasdaq: HYPR) is the groundbreaking health technology company that has redefined brain imaging with the Swoop® system—the first FDA-cleared, portable, ultra-low-field, magnetic resonance brain imaging system capable of providing imaging at multiple points of care in a healthcare facility.

Hyperfine’s mission is to revolutionize patient care globally through transformational, accessible, clinically relevant diagnostic imaging.

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Modern, efficient, reliable medtech

The Fastest Proton Pencil Beam Scanning.



State-of-the-art cancer care requires large investments in facilities, equipment, staff and training. Premier tools, training and services are crucial. Lioness Medtech provides leading products and services for advanced cancer centers.

Lioness Medtech promotes Sumitomo Heavy Industries’ medical products in Europe. We also represent AnatGe, ViewRay, ZAP and IMT in Scandinavia. The most advanced technologies and products are integrated for advanced particle therapy projects and state-of-the-art cancer centers. We believe in better imaging and sharper beams for better outcomes.

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Radiotherapy with Light Ions includes Proton Beam Therapy and Carbon Ion Therapy, also called Particle Therapy or Hadron Therapy.

Light Ions particle beams allow more conformal dose distribution compared to conventional radiation therapy due to the Bragg Peak, which allows the beam to stop within the tumor without radiating healthy tissues beyond the target.



BNCT – Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy) is for infiltrative, spread, and recurrent diseases. Sumitomo, Stella Pharma, and RaySearch contribute to the NeuCure BNCT system. Clinical trials show extended survival for patients with recurrent head-and-neck and brain cancers. Studies underway also show promising results in primary tumors. BNCT was previously quite difficult, requiring a nuclear reactor to generate neutrons. Sumitomo’s NeuCure is better, using an accelerator instead of a reactor.

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MR-Guided Radiotherapy ViewRay MR Linac

MR-Guided Radiotherapy (MR-Linac) is visibly better with smart SBRT, MRIGRT, and SRS, allowing for Real-time On-table Adaptive Radiotherapy (ROAR), and it is particularly effective for hypofractionation and dose escalation in moving targets. ViewRay users have the longest and most extensive experience in MR-guided radiation therapy; Over 10 years, more than 40,000 patients have been treated.

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RT Phantoms

  • End-To-End QA Phantoms for Radiation Therapy.
  • Comprehensive SRS/SBRT QA Devices.
  • Fast and Comprehensive TG-142 QA Solutions.
  • Daily QA Phantoms for OBI, CT/SIM, and 6DOF.
  • MR Image Distortion Analysis Phantoms.
  • Winston-Lutz QA Solutions.
  • Auto Analysis Software.

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Proton Therapy

Proton Therapy is a gentle form of radiotherapy with generally lower side effects. Especially for pediatric care, it is important to ensure the quality of life be preserved long-term. Sumitomo’s proton therapy systems offer the leading technical specifications and clinical performance.

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Radiopharma Cyclotron HM-20

We propose optimum systems to our customers based on their requirements, as well as the installation space and whether integrated shielding is necessary, etc. The cyclotrons from Sumitomo lead in radio-pharmaceutical performance and reliability.

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Modern Stereotactic Radiosurgery with ZAP-X

Frontier in modern radiosurgery, ZAP-X offers innovative non-invasive cancer treatments for brain tumors and conditions of the head and neck. With no bunker and no cobalt required, it is easy to implement world-class radiosurgery anywhere.

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Vertical Configuration.


Welcome to visit Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI). See how fast pencil-beam line scanning adds a new dimension to your proton therapy treatment plans and enables rapid dose delivery. Discuss the FLASH therapy research and how the high beam-current of SHI Cyclotrons facilitates new treatment research.

Compact, affordable, with a lifetime warranty, and operational today. Only SHI customers have access to clinical fast line-scanning PBS in proton therapy.

NeuCure is leading the way in clinical accelerator based BNCT.

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AI-based Auto Positioning Workflow.


Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. (UIH) is dedicated to providing, developing and producing high-performance advanced medical imaging, radiotherapy equipment, life science instruments and offers intelligent digital solutions to customers worldwide.

UIH is committed to creating more value for our customers and constantly improving the global accessibility of high-end medical equipment and services through in-depth cooperation with hospitals, universities, research institutions, and industry partners.

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