Frequently Asked Questions about Light Ions Therapy and Proton Particle Therapy
What is Light Ions Therapy?
- Light Ions Therapy, also known as particle therapy, proton therapy and heavy ion therapy (carbon ion therapy or Hadron therapy) are accelerated atom nuclei directed at a tumor for radiation therapy. Proton therapy is the radiation therapy of choice for pediatric cancers. Particle accelerators generate the ion beams which travel at approximately 2/3 the speed of light. It is the most precise form of radiation treatment available. Light ions therapy allows very selective radiation directed only at the tumor site, leaving surrounding healthy tissue and organs intact and unharmed. It is non-invasive and painless, with minimal side effects. Light ions therapy allows patients to maintain quality of life during the treatment process. Treatments are typically administrated on an out-patient basis.
- Light Ions Therapy is sometimes used in conjunction with other cancer treatment modalities, such as surgery or chemo therapy or conventional radiation therapy with photons (X-Rays).
- Several of the leading hospitals and clinics that are offering this treatment can be found in our Links section.
How does Light Ions Therapy differ from traditional radiation?
- Very precise targeting unique to charged particles.
- No dose beyond the target.
- Less scattered radiation in normal tissue.
- Radio-surgical precision.
- Reproducible treatments.
- Fewer acute and chronic side effects.
- Increased dosage possible (i.e. dose escalation).
- Reduced normal tissue damage.
- Decreased risk of radiation-induced tumors later in life, especially important in pediatric oncology.
What types of cancers or conditions are treatable with Light Ions Therapy?
- Prostate;
- Bone and Soft Tissue;
- Head and Neck;
- Lung;
- Liver;
- Rectum;
- Pancreas;
- Gynecological Region;
- Eye Tumors;
- Central Nervous System Tumors;
- Skullbase;
- Gastrointestinal Tract;
- Abdominal lymph Node;
- Lacrimal Gland;
- Metastases and Other.